December 2, 2023

News, products, marketing and merchandising tips for the
front end of community pharmacies


'Tis the season

Need some inspiration for merchandising during the holidays? Check out our Overhaul of Fame Seasonal Gallery for photos showing how other owners have done it. You will find tips for shelf tags, endcaps, floor displays and more.


Don't you dare discount

We've said it many times before, but seriously, don't discount your holiday items until AFTER the holidays. If you still feel like you need to, don't, and instead use this handy Christmas Sales worksheet to keep track of how things went so you can pull it out next year to plan better.

Helpful Holiday Tips

Here are a few things you need to do within the next few days, if you haven't already. Clearly post your return policy at every checkout counter. Have everyone on your staff sign that they have read and understood the return policy. Lastly, revisit or create a backup plan for staff shortages. It may be time to hire a temp just to run the register. You may even find a pharmacy student coming home for the holidays.

natural medicine

Immune support plus

According to this article in Drug Store News, five nutritional ingredients tend to power mainstream immune-support supplements in the food/drug/mass market—vitamins C and D, zinc, elderberry and probiotics. However, consumers are looking to these ingredients for their other potential benefits as well as wanting natural products containing these ingredients too. Evaluate your offerings to see if you can introduce some new natural lines and find ways to market these supplements after cough and cold season.


Reminder: Send us your pictures, questions and tips

We want to feature YOU in 2024! What's been successful for your front-end? On the flip side, what hasn't worked so well? We want to help NCPA members just like you learn how to optimize their front-end business and avoid making mistakes others have already made. Got any good photos of an end cap or floor display you created? Or maybe you have a tip you've learned along the way that changed the way you do business? Send them to so we can feature you in an upcoming edition of Profit Makers and on the NCPA Front-end website. Have more questions than answers? Send us those too. We'll try to include a Q&A segment in every issue come the new year.

* More from Hamacher Resource Group *

Monthly Retailer Category Tips—Pain Relief

According to recent research, North America holds the largest share of the pain management market with the United States being the most significant contributor to its revenue. Additionally, the prevalence of chronic pain in Americans is on the rise. Read more...

Front End Resources for NCPA Members

Being a member of NCPA means you have access to a treasure trove of helpful hints, tips, and resources to make your front end more profitable! Download One-Pager Tips on a variety of topics. The Overhaul of Fame galleries contain hundreds of photos to inspire you, from effective signs to successful end-caps and everything in between. Finally, you and your staff can access several staff training videos that will help you take an objective view of your store, both inside and out!

This wealth of knowledge is due to the fantastic photos, ideas, and suggestions we receive every day from NCPA members like you.

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