March 2, 2024

News, products, marketing and merchandising tips for the
front end of community pharmacies

Spring Storefront Refresh

Spring is just around the corner and with that comes the opportunity to give your pharmacy a refresh with a little Spring cleaning. Start with some basics. Wash both the interior and exterior sides of all your windows and doors. Professionally clean your floors. Then touch up any chipped paint around your store. If you want more tips, take a look at this checklist.

Don't forget to spring your clocks forward an hour on March 10th.

Employee Empowerment Zone

If you need an idea to fill a little extra space, create a dedicated section into an "Employee Picks" area. Let your passionate staff guide your customers with their favorite products, complete with personalized notes on why they love them. If you don't have room for a separate section, use business card size tags to mark the products directly on the shelves.


Energy Efficiency for Savings

Turn the lights on to savings hidden in plain sight. In a webinar last year, then NCPA Board Chairman Jeff Harrell discusses various updates you can make to your store resulting in cost savings. One of those updates is to switch to energy-efficient bulbs and appliances. Check with your town. They may offer free energy efficiency assessments. It's a bright idea your wallet's been waiting for, keeping your store vibrant while saving you money.

About Face

Take a field trip through your front-end this week. As you walk through your aisles, look for these three things: 1) holes or gaps, 2) products turned on their sides or hanging off the edge of shelves, 3) one of each. If you notice any of these, take corrective actions immediately. Visit our Front-end Overhaul of Fame gallery to see solutions. Also, here's a reminder why you shouldn't stock less than two of any product.

* More from Hamacher Resource Group *

Monthly Retailer Category Tips—Hair Care

Focus on therapeutic products, the sweet spot for independent pharmacies in the hair care category. Read more...

Front End Resources for NCPA Members

Being a member of NCPA means you have access to a treasure trove of helpful hints, tips, and resources to make your front end more profitable! Download One-Pager Tips on a variety of topics. The Overhaul of Fame galleries contain hundreds of photos to inspire you, from effective signs to successful end-caps and everything in between. Finally, you and your staff can access several staff training videos that will help you take an objective view of your store, both inside and out!

This wealth of knowledge is due to the fantastic photos, ideas, and suggestions we receive every day from NCPA members like you.

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